
Roles in the eco-system

The Catena Valore eco system include project related roles and the community of contributors which give wide range of opportunities.

Utilities & Consumption

Consumption of energy may be necessary - but, also an important area to manage and understand. Start by evaluation of your situation and potential for improvement.

HR & Organization

many organizations meassure, quantfy, assess and evaluate many aspects of their organizations. From individual recrutment to leadership and governance.

Mergers + Aquisitions

Structures information and knowledge is key to the establishment of successful partnership

Process opimization

Having all processes work - constantly - accross all internal functions, with all external stakeholders and understand how to keep them optimized, has enormous value.

Resource & Transformation

Resources are consumed in every part of the valus chain - and your products and services has a direct impact on previous or following steps in the chain. In addition legal and compliance regulations are increasing for all types of organizations

Customer service

The key to continued business development is the ability to understand your clients.

Full Service

Consider it done. Our experts and the community can assist, operate and manage any part of - or the full project.


Commercialization already starts at the ideation of any innovation - once you get closer to launch - you need to understand your position to create the desired impact.